Bespoke company incorporation services, maintenance of company registers, annual companies house filing & compliance.

Part of running a business is to have a Companies House that is responsible for registering and monitoring accurate corporate details. Working with Accovis LLP means that we can absorb the burden of dealing with these administrative tasks in a reliable manner. Our ability to manage things on your behalf will cover registration and annual submission of your documents. From new or change of company details, annual accounts & returns, shares allocation, closure of inactive accounts, appointment and termination of board members, update of copies of the resolution, and more.


We also offer business consultation should you choose to work with our accounting experts. And in doing so, you can find more time to run your businesses while we work in the background. Our services are open to small and medium-sized businesses from varied industries in London.

HMRC Approved
We are registered HM Revenue and Customs Agents.
Dedicated Account Team
Professionally qualified team dedicated to supporting your business
Tax Efficient
Optimize your taxes and fully utilize all relevant allowances